Programme overview
The last year of the BSc programme in Electronic Systems Engineering runs in English, and international students may be admitted for the two semesters. The programme is focused on theoretical, methodological and practical skills acquired through problem-based learning.
5th semester
Digital Signal Processing (5 ECTS)
Communication Systems (5 ECTS)
Control (5 ECTS)
15 ECTS - Digital and Analog Systems Interacting with the Surroundings
6th semester
Optimization and introduction to machine learning (5 ECTS)
High performance programming? (5 ECTS)
On the 6th semester, you write your bachelor project (20 ECTS). You may choose between the following themes:
Upon completion of the 6th semester, you are BSc in Electronic Systems Engineering.
Further information on courses and regulations, etc., may be found in the curriculum for Electronic Systems Engineering (mostly in Danish).
Master options
With a BSc degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from Aalborg University, you have different master's programmes in engineering to choose from:
- Electronic Systems
- Computer Engineering
- Cyber Security (AAU Copenhagen)
- Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship (AAU Copenhagen)
- Lighting Design (AAU Copenhagen)
- Sound and Music Computing (AAU Copenhagen)
Please click on the individual link to learn more about each programme.
Visit the student counsellors
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, room B2-102
9220 Aalborg East
Office hours: Wednesdays at 4 - 5.30 pm.