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Computer Engineering

Master degree

Computer Engineering

This programme has focus on AI, vision and sound or on distributed systems and networks.

Reasons you should choose this programme

Computer Engineering
AI, Vision and Sound
Networks and Distributed Systems


2-year educationEnglish

Master degree

Computer Engineering

This programme has focus on AI, vision and sound or on distributed systems and networks.

Reasons you should choose this programme

Computer Engineering
AI, Vision and Sound
Networks and Distributed Systems


2-year educationEnglish

This programme is a merger of the following programmes: "Communication Technology" and?"Vision, Graphics and Interative Systems".

Aalborg University’s new M.Sc. programme in Computer Engineering is an engineering programme targeted at B.Sc. graduates in computer engineering, electronic engineering, software engineering and similar. It is for?students interested in AI, vision, sound, distributed systems and networks.

At the core of modern technology ranging from small IoT-devices, over phones, computers, robots to self-driving vehicles, are two fundamental building blocks, namely communication systems and intelligent algorithms. The Computer Engineering programme will equip you with strong competences within these fields, which will allow you to significantly contribute to designing and implementing new technologies that will make a real difference in the world. Depending on your interests, you can choose to specialise in one of two directions.

Specialisation: AI, vision and sound

In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of powerful Artificial Intelligent (AI) algorithms that have allowed researchers and companies to push the boundaries of what intelligent?systems can do, e.g., access control based on AI face recognition algorithms or intelligent hearing aids based on AI sound-processing algorithms. You will work with?theories and methods?about the foundations of AI as well as novel algorithms and concepts such as Deep Learning.

AI algorithms are to some degree approximating human intelligence, which ultimately means that technology can perform tasks similar to those which?humans can perform. The most important human senses are the ability to see and hear, and AI algorithms operating on images/video and sound are therefore central to the future of AI. To this end, this?specialisation has a special focus on AI algorithms for processing of images and sound.

As a specialist in AI, Vision and Sound, you will be able to make a difference in areas such as:

  • Making social robots able to see and hear
  • Creating smart devices that understand speech and gestures
    Intelligent sound for physical and mental healthcare
  • Sound and video compression and streaming for online gaming and meetings
  • AI algorithms for quality control on production lines
  • Measuring and quantifying biodiversity on land and in oceans
  • Algorithmic improvement of hearing aids
  • Monitoring in agriculture concerning productivity, health, and animal welfare
  • Camera‐based roadway monitoring for reducing?unsafe driving behaviour
  • Optimising building and room acoustics
  • Image recognition for automatic?cancer detection
  • Tracking people to avoid harmful situations like drowning accidents

You will be part of the strong AI research community in Denmark organised via the Pioneer Center for AI. The researchers behind the specialisation come from very strong international research groups at AAU devoted to vision and sound, respectively. This will also allow you to have access to high-end equipment for capturing images/video and sound, significant compute power, a large network of relevant companies for collaboration, as well as access to specialised labs where vision and sound experiments can be conducted in controlled environments.

Specialisation: networks and distributed systems

The world around us is becoming more and more connected: a swarm of robots is performing a task collaboratively; a telecom operator is deploying a new generation of a cellular technology and?self-driving cars can become a reality on the streets of our?cities.? A computer is rarely working in isolation, but as part of a larger system, consisting of other computers such as Internet. To achieve connectivity, we first and foremost need to design and implement a communication network that will interlink different devices. The complexity of communication networks grows, and many cases require a distributed mode of operation, where?focus is on system reliability or real-time operation requirements. Therefore, this specialisation especially focus on theories and methods regarding?distributed systems.

The last key point in providing a well-functioned communication system is network security, which is also included in the specialisation. Nowadays, no parts of a computer system, being large or small, which interacts?with surroundings, can function without necessary security protocols and protection against malicious attacks.?

You will learn how to design and implement a safe and reliable network that can sustain accidental errors. At the same time, you will also learn how to achieve a secure network, making it robust towards malicious errors.

As a specialist in Networks and Distributed Systems, you can play a deciding role in development of communication and security solutions for such systems as

  • Future generations of mobile phones systems
  • Vital parts of cars, trains or aeroplanes, known as in-Vehicular networks; as well as Vehicular-to-vehicular or Vehicular-to Infrastructure networks
  • Internet of Things (IoT) systems
  • Large enterprise networks, used at large productions, banks, public institutions?
  • Smart grids
  • Communication solutions for mobile cooperating robots
  • Communication for embedded devices

Academic content

The M.Sc. programme in Computer Engineering at Aalborg University is comprised by four semesters where you work with gradually more complex subjects.

See?the curriculum for the master’s programme in Computer Engineering. Here, you may find details on courses and projects as well as information on the programme’s legal basis, etc.

Compulsory for all non-aau bachelors

All bachelors enrolled in the programme who have not obtained their bachelor's degree from Aalborg University must take part in a course on problem based learning (PBL) as part of the 1st semester project. In case non-AAU bachelors get credit transfer for the 1st semester, they will be asked to take part in a course ensuring that they are trained in working according to the PBL-model.?Read more about PBL here.

Semester descriptions

Specialisation: Networks and Distributed Systems

Specialisation: Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Sound


In the 3rd semester of the master’s programme in Computer Engineering, you have the opportunity to go abroad or spend your semester in a company.

Aalborg University cooperates with a range of universities across the world and has well-established contacts in industry both in regards to student projects and company internships. The International Office at Aalborg University may assist you with guidance, but you must make your own preparations, incl. checking whether you need advanced credit transfer, looking for accommodation, checking up on insurance, visa and possible needed vaccinations, and, if relevant, how to avoid a lapse of your Danish residence permit.

Admission and requirements

Job and career

The master's programme in Computer Engineering qualifies you for a wide range of jobs in top companies all over the world.

Candidates are likely to find employment within areas such as wireless and mobile communication, consumer audio and video, sound and audio products, multimedia, medical aids, instrumentation, automotive applications, avionics, navigation, etc.

Hiring companies could be (not limited to):

  • Lyngsoe Systems
  • Grundfos
  • Bang & Olufsen
  • Siemens Wind Power
  • Oticon Medical
  • Niras
  • Cowi
  • Ramb?ll
  • Motorola
  • The Danish Road Directorate

Get help at AAU to start your career in Denmark

AAU Career helps you on your way from student life to job life in Denmark by giving you the tools to examine your options and find out what to do.

While studying at AAU, you can participate in career and job-related events, find help on our website, and book a personal career counselling session to talk about e.g.:

  • Finding your way in your career
  • Danish working culture
  • Application and CV the Danish way
  • What you can offer an employer
  • How to go about job search in Denmark – both student job, internship and full-time job

Read more about AAU Career here


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