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Project collaboration with AAU students

Each semester, several thousand students at Aalborg University collaborate with companies on projects. The students work with a case from your company, and as the project partner, you will get a potential solution to a given challenge in your company.

On this page, you will find:
- A timeline for the course
- Tips for a good project collaboration
- Templates for collaboration agreements
- A guide to writing a project proposal
- Information about AAU Jobbank, where you can post project proposals for free

The advantages of a project collaboration with AAU students

At AAU, the students are engaging in project work - often in groups. Therefore, as the project partner, you will be collaborating with one or more students on a project you need new eyes on.?

The project does not need to be specifically defined before the collaboration begins. It is a part of the AAU students' competencies to both define and solve the problem you are facing.?

The students have a high professional level, and a project collaboration gives you:

  • New eyes on current challenges or drawer projects
  • Access to the latest specialised knowledge
  • Opportunity to enter into your first collaboration with an academic
  • Opportunity to have a case tested or a problem analysed by students with special professional qualifications
  • An international perspective, e.g. new markets, language, and cultural understanding, if you work with an international student
Be aware that a project collaboration is a learning process, not an employment.

Indicative timeline for a typical project collaboration at AAU:

Tips for a good project collaboration

How to write

a good project proposal

When you are looking for a project collaboration, the chance of success is bigger if the proposal advertisement is concrete, so that it is easy for the students to understand. We therefore recommend that you include information on all 6 points below.

In order to increase the readability of the job ad, it is also a good idea to divide the text into sections with space between them and insert sub-headings for each section.

More information on project collaboration with AAU students

Meet the students

Project fairs

At a project fair, you have the opportunity to meet students from a specific study and perhaps find a project group to collaborate with. We organise the project fairs so that there is the greatest possible success rate on matches between you and the students.

Sign up as a potential student collaboration partner

If you would like to collaborate with AAU's students, but perhaps do not have a current need, sign up on our list for student collaboration. We will then reach out to you when we have relevant opportunities for you.

Sign up as a potential student collaboration partner with AAU

Tel. +45 9940 8090

Want help to get started cooperating with AAU students in Aalborg, Esbjerg and/or Copenhagen? Call us or fill in the form by clicking below.
