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About Aalborg University in Copenhagen

Welcome to Aalborg University in Copenhagen which conducts Aalborg University’s research and teaching activities in the Copenhagen area. We offer an innovative study and learning environment, an international focus and we engage in close cooperation with companies.

About Aalborg University in Copenhagen

Welcome to Aalborg University in Copenhagen which conducts Aalborg University’s research and teaching activities in the Copenhagen area. We offer an innovative study and learning environment, an international focus and we engage in close cooperation with companies.

2.750 students


The Aalborg University Board is the highest authority of AAU, and the University’s Rector Per Michael Johansen is responsible for the day-to-day management of AAU.


Director of campus and Shared Services CPH at Aalborg University in Copenhagen

The director of campus at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Martin Vive Iv?, is responsible for the overall operation and development of campus. The campus director also manages Shared Services CPH which is the central administrative department on campus.?

Link to personal profile

The campus counsil

The campus council consits of members from different faculties and instituts who among other things shall ensure the development of the interdisciplinary collaborative projects and strengthen the professional and social environment at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. In addition, the campus council shall advice the executive management and the director of campus and shall serve as a forum for the development of ideas, cooperation, and coordination of joint efforts on campus.

Aalborg University in Copenhagen: Overriding figures
1992 The master programme Social Work is initiated and is at first solely established in Copenhagen.
2002 AAU offers the study programme Medialogy in Copenhagen.
2005 A collaboration between AAU and Ingeni?rh?jskolen in Copenhagen is established and AAU moves most of its activities to Ballerup where Ingeni?rh?jskolen is located.
2007 The state's Department of the Built Environment researches (SBi) is formally infused at AAU.
2012 The collaboration between AAU and Ingeni?rh?jskolen ceases and AAU takes over Nokia's buildings at A. C. Meyers V?nge and Frederikskaj i Copenhagen's South Harbour and establishes an actual campus. At the same time, a wide range of study programmes are offered.
2013 The state's Department of the Built Environment researches (SBi) moves physically into campus.
2014 Around 4000 students are enrolled at AAU in Copenhagen and with it campus has its highest numbers of students ever.
2015 As part of the royal Danish state visit, the Dutch royal couple and the Danish crown prince couple visit AAU in Copenhagen, where they participate in round-table discussions on "the happy society" together with researchers and students of AAU.
2017 A collaboration between Samsung and AAU is established and the SMILE lab (Samsung Media Innovation lab) is subsequently established on campus.
2020 In several rounds, AAU further sharpens its profile in Copenhagen, closes a number of programmes and focuses in particular on educating students with a particular focus on filling the areas that are in high demand on the Copenhagen education market. New education programmes with a special focus on sustainability and IT are being established.
2021 A new basic research center, PREDICT, with a focus on chronic bowel disorders, is established at AAU in Copenhagen.
2022 The education portfolio is further strengthened in connection with the government's regionalization plan. From 2030 onwards, AAU in Copenhagen will primarily be a specialized STEM campus with a particular focus on sustainability and IT.