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HomeAbout AAUStrategyDigitalizationPBL Digital
Birds eye view of a staircase.


The AAU Digitalisation Committee determines the subject matter for PBL Digital. The Strategic Educational Council (DSUR) is the program owner - PBL Digital reports to DSUR. The practicing responsibility and main program management is attended to by an implementation group.

Birds eye view of a staircase.

The organisation of PBL Digital

The executing responsibility and main program management is handled by an implementation group, which plans, matures, starts and coordinates the efforts and projects of PBL Digital across faculties and departments. Louise M?ller Haase, Pro-dean of the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, is president and head of the implementation group.?

The implementation group aligns ongoing projects with the steering committee of PBL Digital. Besides the Pro-rector of Education who is president of the steering committee, it also includes the Pro-deans of education and the Director for IAS PBL.?

Organiseringsoversigt for PBL Digital