PBL Digital

PBL Digital is the portfolio of strategic digitalisation efforts, surrounding the educational area, formed by the Digitalisation Committee at AAU. The Strategic Education Council (DSUR) is the owner of the program, which means PBL Digital reports to DSUR.
PBL Digital
PBL Digital is the portfolio of strategic digitalisation efforts, surrounding the educational area, formed by the Digitalisation Committee at AAU. The Strategic Education Council (DSUR) is the owner of the program, which means PBL Digital reports to DSUR.

What is
PBL Digital?
PBL Digital originates from the digitalisation strategy at AAU and has since 2018 worked with an array of digitalisation efforts at AAU. The efforts have been focused on developing digitally supported PBL practice, digital competencies in curriculums, and the formation of Center for Digitally Supported Learning (CDUL).?
The program management at PBL Digital is attended to by Digitalisation and Transformation, which is rooted in ITS. The digitalisation efforts are driven through a wide collaboration with different actors at AAU - including IAS PBL, and CDUL, along with lecturers and students in the involved study environments.?
Mentimeter - License for teaching

Masterplan 2024-2026

Baseline report: Digitalisation in the educational area at AAU

[Closed] Call for AI-Projects september 2024

[Closed] Call for AI-Projects september 2024