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AAU in figures 1974-2014

Information about Aalborg University in figures 1974-2014. In 2014, Aalborg University celebrated its 40th anniversary. Below you will find an overview of the University's development in figures over the years.

Funding (in DKK million)

Funding 1974 1980 1986 1989 1996 2000 2005 2010 2014
Government subsidies - - 248.4 375.2 562.4 779.7 1,059 1,480.6 1,937.5
External funding - - 19.6 50.3 110.6 200.3 235.9 379.9 574.4
Total 70.8 153.0 268.0 425.5 673.0 980.0 1,295.7 1,860.5 2,511.9

Graduates (ordinary)

The table below shows the total number of BA and MA graduates. This method has been chosen to enable comparisons over time. As of 1993, the programme structure gradually changed from undivided programmes to the current structure with three-year Bachelor’s programmes and two-year Master's programmes, and therefore the figures after 1993 comprise both BA and MA graduates.

Graduates 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities 23 29 102 223 436 608 700 899 1,281
Social Sciences 120 226 327 365 752 766 1,011 1,020 1,349
Medicine - - - - - 21 157 201 302
Engineering & Science 116 253 414 479 456 962 1,217 1,403 1,584
Total 259 508 843 1,067 1,644 2,357 3,085 3,623 4,516


Students 1986 1990 1996 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Outgoing 39 156 395 400 352 380 524 820
Incoming - 28 106 226 392 528 386 197
Total 39 184 501 626 744 908 910 1,017

Student intake

Since 1977, the enrolment for higher education programmes in Denmark has taken place through the Coordinated Admission?System (KOT). Applicants can apply for up to eight different study programmes, and the system ensures that they are only admitted in one programme, and in their highest priority possible. The figures represent the total number of active students at Aalborg University as of 1 October each year.?

Intake 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities 189 104 220 449 490 509 484 779 1,053 972
Social Sciences 362 217 350 638 509 592 620 806 1,187 1,237
Medicine - - - - - - - 288 360 406
Engineering & Science 303 318 585 665 533 876 836 943 1,624 1,877
Total 854 639 1,155 1,752 1,532 1,977 1,940 2,816 4,224 4,492

Staff in full-time equivalents (FTE)

FTE staff 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities - 45 81 87 146 214 262 299 389 477
Social Sciences - 99 123 141 191 249 272 314 422 453
Medicine - - - - - - - - 188 248
Engineering & Science - 250 333 471 661 908 1,172 1,538 1,700 1,588
Other staff - 63 253 255 345 437 435 398 469 589
Total 421 457 790 954 1,343 1,808 2,141 2,250 3,168 3,325

Number of PhD students and degrees

PhD students 1987 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities 5 15 42 77 65 116 136 165
Social Sciences 2 24 30 77 92 118 136 139
Medicine - - - - - 54 125 173
Engineering & Science 23 110 110 283 433 537 628 55
Total 30 149 149 437 590 825 1,025 1,032


PhD degrees 1985 1996 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Degrees awarded 8 46 64 89 112 163 198

Students (ordinary and visiting students)

The table below shows the total number of students at Aalborg University. In order to make the figures comparable, both ordinary and visiting students have been included. The figures are calculated on 1 October each year.

Students 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities 189 450 567 1,298 1,781 2,840 2,975 3,059 4,246 5,103
Social Sciences 681 790 1,136 2,396 3,239 3,754 3,713 3,979 5,017 5,821
Medicine - - - - - - - 757 1,149 1,572
Engineering & Science 765 1,001 2,101 2,716 2,551 3,883 4,914 4,824 5,842 7,932
Total 1,635 2,241 4,004 6,410 7,571 10,477 11,602 12,673 16,254 20,428

International students (ordinary, visiting and open education)

The tables below show the number of international students at Aalborg University at each faculty and their geographical region of origin.

Faculties 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Humanities 244 403 389 514 588
Social Science 561 460 426 610 730
Medicine 8 50 51 85 107
Engineering & Science 557 957 1,094 1,069 1,704
Total 1,370 1,870 1,960 2,278 3,129


International student numbers by geographical region

Geographical region 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Africa 205 152 137 155 148
Asia 129 378 247 213 299
Australia & Oceania 14 7 8 6 18
The Middle East 26 41 66 73 90
North America 64 180 54 75 54
The Nordic Countries? (excluding DK) 257 279 263 336 375
Western Europe 413 450 588 556 838
Eastern Europe 221 325 573 836 1,263
Central and South America 14 40 26 26 36
Unspecified/hidden 27 18 - 2 8
Total 1,370 1,870 1,960 2,278 3,129

Student numbers in open education

Open education 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014
Grad. Diploma Business?
Adm. (HD)
340 561 632 - - - - - - -
Humanities - - - 382 462 341 584 524 672 528
Social Sciences - - - 813 970 913 844 913 1,058 1,059
Medicine - - - - - - - 64 53 77
Engineering & Science - - - - 182 618 377 251 324 265
Total 340 561 632 1,195 1,614 1,872 1,805 1,752 2,107 1,929
