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PAU - PhD network of Aalborg University

PAU - PhD network of Aalborg University

PAU is the association and network for all PhD students at the different faculties at Aalborg University. Being enrolled as a PhD student means that you automatically become a member of PAU.

The association is run by fellow PhD student volunteers, and routinely organizes events to help and connect PhD students. These events include academic, social, and personal development events such as: journal writing club, career & mental health workshops, thematic networking events (eg. bowling, movie nights), Friday bars, etc.

You can check an updated list of our upcoming events on Facebook.

Through PAU you also get representation with the PhD Association Network of Denmark (PAND), which consists of local associations who represent all PhD students members from all Danish universities and also provides a voice to PhD students to raise their concerns at both the national and European level.

Reach us

Join & follow PAU at the Facebook group (for members) & Facebook page:

Or reach the PAU board at: Board@pau.aau.dk??