Publish Open Access with
AAU Open Publishing

Publish Open Access with
AAU Open Publishing

With AAU Open Publishing, we offer a free or cost-effective Open Access publishing platform for e-books, reports, posters, anthologies or educational material, which do not need a large editorial set-up or marketing strategy.
AAU Open Publishing also publishes open journals, where the editorial work is carried out by the research communities themselves. AAU Open Publishing is also behind the Open Access publication of PhD theses from AAU.
We will publish your work in PDF format in the research portal VBN if you, as the author, are employed at Aalborg University.
If you would like your publication in a printed version, it is possible to purchase an amount of copies.
We scan the manuscript for plagiarism.
AAU Open Publishing assigns the publication an ISBN number and/or a DOI so that it becomes identifiable and easy to share, find, and cite.
The publication must be Open Access and is as a default given a CC BY license, so it is clear that others may use the publication freely as long as they credit the author.
The VBN portal shows the download statistics and you, as an AAU author, can relate the publication to other relevant publications, projects, etc. in VBN.
The authors retain copyright to the publication.
We help with a text proposal, a video, and a virtual flyer for social media.
AAU Open Publishing's Publishing Committee assesses whether the publication meets our quality requirements and can be sent for peer review or whether it can be published as a non-peer reviewed publication.
The publication must be set up in a standard template by the author. It is possible to purchase additional services such as layout from AAU Open Publishing.
AAU Open Publishing does not have a subject-specific editorial group that can provide professional advice, but only ensures that the peer review process is coordinated, and that the publication meets the standards of good scientific practice.
AAU Open Publishing does not advertise the publication, but we help with a text proposal for social media.
Layout and special setups in addition to the standard template can be purchased.
AAU Open Publishing does not provide copyright approvals for e.g. photos.
AAU Open Publishing does not publish preprints, but instead refers to a relevant preprint server.
Book or anthology
The AAU OPEN team makes an initial assessment of the submitted manuscript. This involves a check of:
- Whether the manuscript meets basic requirements for good scientific practice, including source references, author instructions, etc.
- Whether the authors agree that the publication is to be published Open Access and as a default with a CC BY license, and that AAU OPEN is not in charge of editorial guidance, proofreading, or copyright approvals.
If the manuscript proposal complies with these criteria, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to the Publishing Committee, which evaluates the academic content based on its description of theory, methods, data, etc.
If the Publishing Committee assesses that the publication meets good scientific practice and contains a new scientific contribution, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to two peer reviewers. The assessment process in AAU Open Publishing is as a default double blind. If the authors wish for an open assessment process, this must be agreed upon with AAU Open Publishing.
When submitting the manuscript to AAU Open Publishing, the authors are asked to enclose the names of at least three external persons as examples of possible peer reviewers.
The authors are obliged to revisit the manuscript and answer and possibly implement suggestions from the reviewers. If the authors do not agree with the suggestions, this must be stated in the answer.??
Authors who already have a manuscript that has undergone peer review, but which has not been published by another publisher, are welcome to contact AAU OPEN to discuss the possibilities for publishing with AAU Open Publishing. To use this option, the authors must be able to attach documentation for peer review, which entails a written description of the process. AAU OPEN will review the manuscript and the written description of the peer review and make an overall assessment as to whether the publication can be published under AAU Open Publishing.
AAU Open Publishing is a not-for-profit Diamond publisher. This means that it is free to publish at AAU Open Publishing for authors from Aalborg University. To make use of this option, it is a requirement that there is at least one AAU author on the publication.
If the authors have very specific requests, such as personal design for a book cover, which will require extra time in terms of layout and set-up, there may be a small cost involved. The author will be responsible for covering these expenses.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
All publications published with AAU Open Publishing are published and available via the VBN portal, AAU's institutional repository. This ensures future digital access to the work and its metadata. Furthermore, the Royal Danish Library harvests the VBN portal, so that publications registered in VBN are archived in accordance with the Danish legislation on archiving of published work.
Each publication is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) ??that refers to the publication's location and makes it easy to find, share, and cite.
The publication can also be assigned an ISBN number.
The authors are the sole owners of the copyright to the published content. The author is also responsible for any omissions or infringements of copyright in the relevant publication. AAU OPEN's responsibility is limited to the removal of the publication in question if there is evidence of copyright infringement. However, metadata will continue to be visible along with a reason for the removal. This practice is to ensure transparency and accountability in the research and publication processes.?
AAU Open Publishing publishes exclusively Open Access and uses a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. license. If you as an author wish to use a different CC license, this must be agreed with AAU OPEN.
AAU OPEN can manage the process of finding a cover photo from a subscription database, but if you want specific images, you yourself are responsible for acquiring these and ensuring their correct use.
It is the author's responsibility to seek written permission from the legal owners for the use of images and illustrations in the publication. As an author, you must also ensure that you credit the correct copyright holders. AAU OPEN is not responsible for any copyright infringement and cannot assist with purchasing images.
Read more about copyright here or contact AAU's Copyright Team with specific questions.
As part of the development of AAU Open Publishing's publishing platform, we are investigating the possibility of a future print on demand solution.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
Fill out this form and we will contact you.
All journals at must have a clear description for peer review on their own website. The individual journals can be found via
AAU Open Publishing is a not-for-profit Diamond publisher. This means that it is free to read and publish for authors, readers, and editors.
Aalborg University Library provides the publishing platform Open Journal System and support from a local administrator.
Articles in the journals on are assigned DOIs (digital object identifiers), which refer to the location of the publication and make it easy to find, share, and cite.
The journals are published on and AAU OPEN ensures the archiving and future access to them on Aalborg University Library's server.
The individual editors decide whether copyright belongs to the author or the journal.
All journals publish Open Access and choose a CC license to publish under.
Several of the journals on are indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals, Scopus and the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.
Contact and we will tell you more about what starting a journal entails.
PhD Thesis
Copyright and sharing your PhD thesis
You retain the copyright to your thesis - except for articles you have published elsewhere and transferred copyright to.
If you want to publish work later on the basis of your thesis, it is important that you have the copyright.
It is also important that you consider whether the thesis should be openly available via AAU Open Publishing shortly after the award of the PhD degree or whether you have other publishing plans, e.g. submitting the thesis to a commercial publisher.
It is also possible to put an embargo period on your thesis, if you wish to wait and publish the thesis at a later time.
All articles in the thesis must be submitted for assessment. If you have published some of your PhD articles with a publisher and have transferred the copyright to them, it is important that you check well in advance whether you are allowed to include these in the published version of the thesis.
If the publisher accepts this, you must submit documentation to AAU PHD stating that you may include the article in the final, open publication.
If the publisher does not allow this, the article will be excluded from the final, open publication.
If you want to publish (parts of) the thesis elsewhere later, you should consider whether the (or parts of) thesis should be published via AAU Open Publishing.
It is still possible to publish an article-based thesis without the articles attached. Instead, there will simply be references to the articles.
If no file is to be published, only metadata (author, title, supervisors, etc.) is published.
If you later wish to publish your monograph as a book with a commercial publisher, you should consider whether the thesis should also be published in its entirety via AAU Open Publishing.
A CC license specifies how others may use your Open Access work. AAU OPEN recommends a CC BY license which means that your work can be used freely if the author is credited. PhD theses published by AAU Open Publishing therefore generally receive a CC-BY license. It applies to the parts of the thesis that have not already been granted a license (typically articles published elsewhere).
CC BY is recommended because AAU OPEN works within an Open Science framework with the goal of ensuring optimal use of and access to research. However, there may be other considerations (if, for example, your research may not be used by others for commercial purposes). Use Creative Commons' own License Chooser or contact if you would like to choose a different license.
The restrictions applied to the license you choose apply to others, but not to your future use of the work. Hence, as the author, you are still free to use your work.
The thesis receives both a DOI and an ISBN number.
Text books and reports
In general, textbooks and reports are published as non-peer-reviewed publications under AAU Open Publishing.
However, the author must still agree that the publication is published Open Access and initially with a CC BY license and that AAU Open Publishing is not in charge of editorial guidance, proofreading, or copyright approvals.
Peer review process
If you wish to have the publication peer-reviewed, the AAU OPEN team performs an initial assessment of the submitted manuscript. This involves a check of whether the manuscript meets basic requirements for good scientific practice, including source references, author instructions, etc.
If the manuscript complies with these criteria, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to the Publishing Committee, which evaluate the manuscript based on its description of theory, methods, data, etc.
If the Publishing Committee assesses that the publication meets good scientific practice and contains a new scientific contribution, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to two peer reviewers. AAU Open Publishing’s review is by default double blind. If the authors wish for an open review process, this must be agreed upon with AAU OPEN.
When submitting the manuscript to AAU Open Publishing, the authors are asked to enclose the names of at least three external persons as possible reviewers.
The authors are obliged to revisit the manuscript and answer and implement suggestions from the assessors. If the authors do not agree with the corrections, this must be stated in the answer.??
Authors who already have a manuscript that has undergone peer review, but which has not been published by another publisher, are welcome to contact AAU OPEN to hear about the options to publish with AAU OPEN. To make use of this option, the authors must be able to attach documentation for the peer review, which entails a written description of the process. AAU OPEN will review the manuscript and the written description of the peer review and make an overall assessment of whether the publication can be published under AAU Open Publishing.
AAU Open Publishing is a not-for-profit Diamond publisher. This means that it is free to publish at AAU Open Publishing for authors from Aalborg University. To make use of this option, it is a requirement that there is at least one AAU author on the publication.
If the authors have very specific requests, such as personal design for a book cover, which will require extra time in terms of layout and set-up, there may be a small cost involved. The author will be responsible for covering these expenses.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
All publications published with AAU Open Publishing are published and available via the VBN portal, AAU's institutional repository. This ensures future digital access to the work and its metadata. Furthermore, the Royal Danish Library harvests the VBN portal, so that publications registered in VBN are archived in accordance with the Danish legislation on archiving of published work.
Each publication is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) ??that refers to the publication's location and makes it easy to find, share, and cite.
The publication can also be assigned an ISBN number.
The authors are the sole owners of the copyright to the published content. The author is also responsible for any omissions or infringements of copyright in the relevant publication. AAU OPEN's responsibility is limited to the removal of the publication in question if there is evidence of copyright infringement. However, metadata will continue to be visible along with a reason for the removal. This practice is to ensure transparency and accountability in the research and publication processes.?
AAU Open Publishing publishes exclusively Open Access and uses a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. license. If you as an author wish to use a different CC license, this must be agreed with AAU OPEN.
AAU OPEN can manage the process of finding a cover photo from a subscription database, but if you want specific images, you yourself are responsible for acquiring these and ensuring their correct use.
It is the author's responsibility to seek written permission from the legal owners for the use of images and illustrations in the publication. As an author, you must also ensure that you credit the correct copyright holders. AAU OPEN is not responsible for any copyright infringement and cannot assist with purchasing images.
Read more about copyright here or contact AAU's Copyright Team with specific questions.
As part of the development of AAU Open Publishing's publishing platform, we are investigating the possibility of a future print on demand solution.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
Fill out this form and we will contact you.
Proceeding - Conference Book
The AAU OPEN team makes an initial assessment of the submitted proceeding proposal. This involves a check of:
- Whether the manuscript meets basic requirements for good scientific practice.
- Whether the authors have an acceptable plan for the editorial work, including peer review.
- Whether the authors agree that the publication is published Open Access and initially with a CC BY license and that AAU Open is not in charge of editorial guidance, proofreading, and copyright approvals.
If the proposal complies with these criteria, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to the Publishing Committee, which evaluates the academic content on the basis of its description of theory, methods, data, etc.
If the publication committee assesses that the publication meets good scientific practice and contains a new scientific contribution, the proceeding publication can be published under AAU Open Publishing as a peer-reviewed publication.
AAU Open Publishing is a not-for-profit Diamond publisher. This means that it is free to publish at AAU Open Publishing for authors from Aalborg University. To make use of this option, it is a requirement that there is at least one AAU author on the publication.
If the authors have very specific requests, such as personal design for a book cover, which will require extra time in terms of layout and set-up, there may be a small cost involved. The author will be responsible for covering these expenses.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
All publications published with AAU Open Publishing are published and available via the VBN portal, AAU's institutional repository. This ensures future digital access to the work and its metadata. Furthermore, the Royal Danish Library harvests the VBN portal, so that publications registered in VBN are archived in accordance with the Danish legislation on archiving of published work.
Each publication is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) ??that refers to the publication's location and makes it easy to find, share, and cite.
The publication can also be assigned an ISBN number.
The authors are the sole owners of the copyright to the published content. The author is also responsible for any omissions or infringements of copyright in the relevant publication. AAU OPEN's responsibility is limited to the removal of the publication in question if there is evidence of copyright infringement. However, metadata will continue to be visible along with a reason for the removal. This practice is to ensure transparency and accountability in the research and publication processes.?
AAU Open Publishing publishes exclusively Open Access and uses a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. license. If you as an author wish to use a different CC license, this must be agreed with AAU OPEN.
AAU OPEN can manage the process of finding a cover photo from a subscription database, but if you want specific images, you yourself are responsible for acquiring these and ensuring their correct use.
It is the author's responsibility to seek written permission from the legal owners for the use of images and illustrations in the publication. As an author, you must also ensure that you credit the correct copyright holders. AAU OPEN is not responsible for any copyright infringement and cannot assist with purchasing images.
Read more about copyright here or contact AAU's Copyright Team with specific questions.
As part of the development of AAU Open Publishing's publishing platform, we are investigating the possibility of a future print on demand solution.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
Fill out this form and we will contact you.
Book series
The AAU OPEN team makes an initial assessment of the submitted series proposal. This involves a check of:
- Whether the proposal meets basic requirements for good scientific practice.
- Whether the editors have an acceptable plan for the editorial work, including peer review and work with special issues. It is the editors themselves who must oversee this work, but it must be able to present documentation of the process to AAU OPEN.
- Whether the editors agree that the publication is published Open Access and with a CC BY license and that AAU Open Publishing is not in charge of editorial guidance, proofreading and copyright approvals.
If the proposal meets these criteria, the AAU OPEN team sends the manuscript to the Publishing Committee, which decides on the academic content, the administrative plan and the sustainability of the series based on the editors' description.
If the Publishing Committee assesses that the publication meets the criteria, the series can be published under AAU Open Publishing as a continuous, peer-reviewed publication.
AAU Open Publishing is a not-for-profit Diamond publisher. This means that it is free to publish at AAU Open Publishing for authors from Aalborg University. To make use of this option, it is a requirement that there is at least one AAU author on the publication.
If the authors have very specific requests, such as personal design for a book cover, which will require extra time in terms of layout and set-up, there may be a small cost involved. The author will be responsible for covering these expenses.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
All publications published with AAU Open Publishing are published and available via the VBN portal, AAU's institutional repository. This ensures future digital access to the work and its metadata. Furthermore, the Royal Danish Library harvests the VBN portal, so that publications registered in VBN are archived in accordance with the Danish legislation on archiving of published work.
Each publication is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) ??that refers to the publication's location and makes it easy to find, share, and cite.
The publication can also be assigned an ISBN number.
The authors are the sole owners of the copyright to the published content. The author is also responsible for any omissions or infringements of copyright in the relevant publication. AAU OPEN's responsibility is limited to the removal of the publication in question if there is evidence of copyright infringement. However, metadata will continue to be visible along with a reason for the removal. This practice is to ensure transparency and accountability in the research and publication processes.?
AAU Open Publishing publishes exclusively Open Access and uses a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. license. If you as an author wish to use a different CC license, this must be agreed with AAU OPEN.
AAU OPEN can manage the process of finding a cover photo from a subscription database, but if you want specific images, you yourself are responsible for acquiring these and ensuring their correct use.
It is the author's responsibility to seek written permission from the legal owners for the use of images and illustrations in the publication. As an author, you must also ensure that you credit the correct copyright holders. AAU OPEN is not responsible for any copyright infringement and cannot assist with purchasing images.
Read more about copyright here or contact AAU's Copyright Team with specific questions.
As part of the development of AAU Open Publishing's publishing platform, we are investigating the possibility of a future print on demand solution.
It is possible to get a number of printed copies of your publication, but you must cover this cost yourself.
Fill out this form and we will contact you.

Contact AAU OPEN
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