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HomeResearchDistinguished Professors Programme

Distinguished Professor Thomas Nordahl

Thomas Nordahl (b. 1958) is a Professor and Head of the Center for Studies of Educational Practice at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Distinguished Professor Thomas Nordahl

Thomas Nordahl (b. 1958) is a Professor and Head of the Center for Studies of Educational Practice at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Thomas Nordahl was appointed as Honorary Professor in 2017 and as Distinguished Professor in 2021 at the Department of Culture and Learning at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,?Aalborg University.


Citations: 4810+ citations
H-index: 35


Thomas Nordahl’s research focuses on:

  • Improvement and development of professional learning environments in day care institutions and particularly in schools
  • Involvement of children and young people in schools and day care institutions
  • Gender differences and social inequality in school

Thomas Nordahl is widely recognized for his research as well as his work in practice. He has strong analytic and facilitating competencies, experience in mapping analyses and advanced methods, and has extensive knowledge and understanding of dynamic, pedagogical and social processes. His work has significant impact in terms of developing the education area, as well as day care institutions.

Merits, awards and positions include

  • Distinguished Professor at Aalborg University ?(2021)
  • Leader of expert group for children and young people in need of special arrangements in kindergarten and school. Appointed by the Ministry of Education (2017-2018)
  • Member of a committee to strengthen the teaching competence in the Danish primary and lower secondary school. Appointed by A.P. M?ller Foundation - primary school (2014 – now)
  • Member of the national forum for educational research (2012-now)
  • Member of Capacity Building and Evaluation (CABE)
    Nordahl, T. mfl. (2018): Inkluderende fellesskap for barn og unge.
  • Ekspertgruppen for barn og unge men behov for s?rskilt tilrettelegging. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Research profile in VBN

For full bio on projects, publications, prizes and much more visit Thomas Nordahl’s research profile at Aalborg University's Research Portal.