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HomeResearchDistinguished Professors Programme

Distinguished Professor Lars Mathiassen

Lars Mathiassen (b. 1950) is GRA Eminent Scholar and Professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems in the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, US.

Distinguished Professor Lars Mathiassen

Lars Mathiassen (b. 1950) is GRA Eminent Scholar and Professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems in the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, US.

Lars Mathiassen joined Aalborg University as a Distinguished Professor in 2020. He is affiliated with the Department of Politics & Society at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,?Aalborg University.


Citations: 12.300+ citations?
H-index: 59


Citations: 3985+ citations
H.index: 37


Lars Mathiassen’s research focuses on digital innovation & transformation.

He has published extensively in leading academic journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Research Policy, Organization Studies and Journal of Business Ethics.

Lars Mathiassen is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of Information Systems and Digital Innovation & Transformation.

Merits, awards and positions

  • Honorary doctorate in science at Copenhagen University.
  • Honorary doctorate in philosophy at Ume? University.
  • Served as senior editor for multiple international journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of Information Technology, and Information & Organization.
  • Multiple best paper awards at international conferences and journals.
  • Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.