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Research project on volunteer recruitment and retention

Volunteering is a valuable means of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals on inequalities and partnerships for the goals.


Research project on volunteer recruitment and retention

Volunteering is a valuable means of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals on inequalities and partnerships for the goals.

In recent years, the efforts of voluntary social organisations towards vulnerable groups have become more visible and significant. The conditions for the voluntary sector have changed in several areas. This change has led to challenges and new conditions for how voluntary organisations recruit and retain volunteers.

The research project MATCH will investigate how the organisations best recruit and retain volunteers.

‘Volunteer work can act as a platform for solidarity and inclusion across differences and status, and volunteer work is a valuable means of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for reduced inequalities and partnerships for the goals, among others. The research can clarify the conditions for the work with recruitment and retention in voluntary organisations by providing the necessary and practice-oriented knowledge’, says project manager Professor Lars Skov Henriksen, Department of Sociology and Social Work.

The research is carried out in collaboration with, among others, the Danish Institute for Voluntary Effort and is funded by the VELUX FOUNDATIONS.


Project manager Lars Skov Henriksen, Department of Sociology and Social Work, tel. +45 9940 8142, mobile +45 4062 5971, email: larsskov@socsci.aau.dk
