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Expert list: Greenland and the Arctic

Expert list: Greenland and the Arctic

Below we have compiled a list of researchers at Aalborg University with expertise on Greenland and the Arctic.

Laust H?gedahl

Greenland's economy and labor markets in the context of the transformative impacts of climate change and increased international attention; the functions and dynamics of Greenland's labor economy; challenges related to melting ice and internationalization.

Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Society
Email: hogedahl@dps.aau.dk
Phone: +45 9940 8178 
Research profile

Jesper Willaing Zeuthen

China-Greenland relations, Greenland's natural resources, security policy concerning China-Denmark-Greenland-USA relations.

Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Society
Email: zeuthen@dps.aau.dk  
Phone: +45 9940 9202
Research profile

Carina Ren

Greenland, Nordic Arctic, Arctic tourism, innovation and entrepreneurship, climate change, Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, sustainable development in the Arctic.

Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning
Email: ren@ikl.aau.dk  
Phone: +45 9940 8445, 3028 2797
Research profile

Mette Simonsen Abildgaard

Culture, technology, infrastructure, telecommunications, technological history, media history.

Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning
Email: msab@ikl.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9940 9955
Research profile

Julia Zhukova Klausen

Arctic affairs and relations, national identity, intercultural relations, discourse, media and social media, political communication.

Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning
Email: juliazk@ikl.aau.dk   
Phone: +45 9940 9802
Research profile

Anne Merrild Hansen

Extractive industries, social and environmental impact assessments.

Professor and Head of Department, Department of Sustainability and Planning
Email: merrild@plan.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9940 3737
Research profile

Birgit Feldtmann

Greenlandic criminal law, law enforcement in Greenlandic waters.

Professor, Department of Law
Email: bfe@law.aau.dk  
Phone: +45 2437 7806
Research profile

Rikke Becker Jacobsen

Sustainability policy, fisheries, climate change, coastal communities, Greenland and Arctic studies.

Associate Professor, Department of Sustainability and Planning
Email: rbj@plan.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9356 2348
Research profile

Mette R?mer

Social work

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work
Email: romer@socsci.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9940 8125
Research profile

Lars Stig Andersen

Health and well-being among the Greenlandic population.

Clinical Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine
Email: stiga@dcm.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9766 4182, 2720 6016
Research profile

Poul Alberg ?stergaard

Renewable energy planning

Professor, Department of Sustainability and Planning
Email: poul@plan.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 9940 8424, 9356 2370
Research profile

Simon Bahrndorff

Biology, physiology, ecology, adaptation, global change biology.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
Email: sba@bio.aau.dk  
Phone: +45 9940 3615
Research profile

Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen

Climate change, sustainability, resource use and management, human-environment relations, Greenlandic culture and society (including technology and infrastructure).

Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning
Email: aoan@ikl.aau.dk 
Phone: +45 6196 7282, 9940 7440
Research profile