Odinsgade 17-29
Odinsgade 17-29, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 4,3 Distance to the centre in Aalborg approx. km.: 4
There is access to the internet provided and managed by the collegium. The internet is included in the rent.
There are laundry facilities included in the rent.
Odinsgade 17-29
Odinsgade is located near the Vejgaard Town Center, with many different shops, and with fine recreational areas such as Golf Park and Signal Hill. It is a quiet charming neighbourhood. The building is located close to public transport and has many shopping possibilities. Odinsgade is a collegium on 2 floors with private bathrooms and a kitchen. The apartments offered by the accommodation office are studio apartments with private kitchen and bathroom.?
Odinsgade 17-29
Odinsgade 17-29, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 4,3 Distance to the centre in Aalborg approx. km.: 4
There is access to the internet provided and managed by the collegium. The internet is included in the rent.
There are laundry facilities included in the rent.