Boulevarden 38
Boulevarden 38, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 6 Distance to the centre of Aalborg approx. km.: 0
There is access to the internet provided by Norlys. The internet is included in the rent. There is a cable and wireless connection. You must use a cable to have a stable connection. Cables are not provided by the Accommodation Office.
There are laundry facilities in the basement. You must download an app (NortekPay) to use the laundry. Faults and repairs are managed by the owner Lykkebo on Vesterbro 58.
Boulevarden 38
This building is located in downtown Aalborg? In the building there are 8 apartments on 4 floors. In every apartment there are 4-5 private rooms, kitchen and bathroom are shared. The apartments are divided by gender.
Boulevarden 38 is only a short walk from J:F. Kennedy Plads, where the bus and train station are located. It is also very close to all kinds of shops, department stores and? restaurants/cafe and fitnes studios.?
Boulevarden 38
Boulevarden 38, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 6 Distance to the centre of Aalborg approx. km.: 0
There is access to the internet provided by Norlys. The internet is included in the rent. There is a cable and wireless connection. You must use a cable to have a stable connection. Cables are not provided by the Accommodation Office.
There are laundry facilities in the basement. You must download an app (NortekPay) to use the laundry. Faults and repairs are managed by the owner Lykkebo on Vesterbro 58.