Sustainability specialist at Danish Crown
Selma studied Environmental Management and Sustainability Science. Today she works as sustainability specialist and has established her own company.

Sustainability specialist at Danish Crown
"Today I work as a sustainability specialist at Danish Crown. My primary task is to collect relevant data to calculate the climate footprint of our meat products. We are engaged in an ongoing dialogue with various stakeholders, including customers, NGOs and authorities, to discuss our sustainability initiatives and how we can reduce the environmental impact of our production.
In addition to my job at Danish Crown, I have established my own consulting company, Nordic LCA, together with Emil Pedersen. In the company, we offer advice in terms of calculating environmental impact at product level, preparing climate accounts as well as courses and workshops. We primarily help companies calculate their environmental footprint and get an overview of their emissions, so that they can develop effective strategies to reduce these emissions and thus make a positive difference.
Emil and I met at EMSS. We were both deeply fascinated by the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, which allows for the calculation of the environmental impact of products. Whenever possible, we always chose a semester project where we could work with LCA. Later in my education, I got an internship at Danish Crown and wrote my thesis with the company, which opened up the opportunity to write my Ph.D. in collaboration with the company and Aarhus University. In my Ph.D. I researched LCA in relation to Danish pork production and the effects of reducing food waste and optimising the utilisation of by-products.
"My education in Environmental Management and Sustainability Science has been decisive for my current work, as it has laid the foundation for my professional competences."
My education in Environmental Management and Sustainability Science has been decisive for my current work, as it has laid the foundation for my professional competences. I work intensively with LCA, and being taught by the best and most recognised professors and associate professors at EMSS has equipped me to handle the challenges I encounter in practice. I would highly recommend the EMSS programme to anyone who wants to make a sustainable difference, as it provides the necessary knowledge and professional ballast to tackle the challenges of reality."