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Computer Science (IT)

Master degree

Computer Science (IT)

Are you interested in programming, programming languages, software engineering, machine intelligence, data management or embedded systems? You can deepen your skills in these areas by taking the Computer Science (IT) master's education at Aalborg University.

Reasons you should choose this programme

Because you want to expand your knowledge about programming, software engineering, theory of computation, machine intelligence and other subjects
You are passionate about Human-Machine-Interaction (HCI)
You want to be part of an international environment, where you can choose to specialize in many different areas, including programming languages, distributed systems, databases and artificial intelligence


2-year educationEnglish

Master degree

Computer Science (IT)

Are you interested in programming, programming languages, software engineering, machine intelligence, data management or embedded systems? You can deepen your skills in these areas by taking the Computer Science (IT) master's education at Aalborg University.

Reasons you should choose this programme

Because you want to expand your knowledge about programming, software engineering, theory of computation, machine intelligence and other subjects
You are passionate about Human-Machine-Interaction (HCI)
You want to be part of an international environment, where you can choose to specialize in many different areas, including programming languages, distributed systems, databases and artificial intelligence


2-year educationEnglish

Computer Science (IT) is an education made for both Danish students and students from abroad (IT means “international track”) and every part of the programme is taught in English. Please notice, that this education is not the same as the?Computer Science?education which is only taught in Danish.

Computer Science (IT) targets two types of students:

  • Bachelors in Information Technology with Specialisation in Technology from Aalborg University
  • International students with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering

You are also able to be enrolled?to the master's program in Computer Science (IT) if you have a bachelor's degree in Data Science from Aalborg University, Aarhus University or the IT University in Copenhagen, or a bachelor's degree in Interaction Design from Aalborg University. A special agreement has been made between Aalborg University and UCN, so if you have?a professional bachelor in Software Development and have completed?courses in syntax and semantics as well as discrete mathematics, you are able to be enrolled.

If you are unsure whether your bachelor's degree gives access to the master's program in Computer Science (IT), you are welcome to contact the?Study Secretary, Ulla ?land.


The students can?choose between two specialisations on the 2nd semester:

  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Computer Science (CS)

The Study Board?highly recommends?that students without a background in formal computer science and/or programming language design and compiler construction?follow the IT track, in order to gain these specific competencies.?

Please find detailed information on the specialisations and courses in the?Curriculum for the Master's Programme in?Computer Science (IT)?under Overview of the programme (§18).

Academic content

In the following, you may read more about the individual semesters, courses and projects on the master's programme in Computer Science (IT).

Compulsory for all non-AAU bachelors

All bachelors enrolled in the programme who have not obtained their bachelor's degree from Aalborg University must take part in a course on problem based learning (PBL) as part of the 1st semester project. In case non-AAU bachelors get credit transfer for the 1st semester, they will be asked to take part in a course ensuring that they are trained in working according to the PBL-model.?Read more about PBL here.

In the?Curriculum for the Master's Programme in?Computer Science (IT),?you may?find details on courses and projects as well as information on the programme’s legal basis, etc.

Two tracks

The programme has two?tracks:?Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS). Each track will give the student a coherent profile, and the students must choose their preferred track on the 2nd semester.

Semester descriptions


In the 3rd semester of the master’s programme in Computer Science (IT), you have the opportunity to go abroad or spend your semester in a company.

Aalborg University cooperates with a range of universities across the world and has well-established contacts in industry both in regards to student projects and company internships. The International Office at Aalborg University may assist you with guidance, but you must make your own preparations, incl. checking whether you need advanced credit transfer, looking for accommodation, checking up on insurance, visa and possible needed vaccinations, and, if relevant, how to avoid a lapse of your Danish residence permit.

Job and career

Computer Science (IT) at Aalborg University provides good job opportunities upon graduation. Graduates from Aalborg University are generally in high demand, and many students obtain jobs immediate upon graduation, embarking upon careers in the IT industry, mobile communications, space aeronautics, health science technology, the media industry, etc. AAU-graduates excel in both independent work and teamwork. Some choose a career as a scientist at the university, others are employed in industry.

Former graduates of Computer Science work as e.g.

  • System developers
  • IT architects
  • Project managers
  • System administrators
  • Development consultants, etc.

Admission and requirements

Get help at AAU to start your career in Denmark

AAU Career helps you on your way from student life to job life in Denmark by giving you the tools to examine your options and find out what to do.

While studying at AAU, you can participate in career and job-related events, find help on our website, and book a personal career counselling session to talk about e.g.:

  • Finding your way in your career
  • Danish working culture
  • Application and CV the Danish way
  • What you can offer an employer
  • How to go about job search in Denmark – both student job, internship and full-time job

Read more about AAU Career here

Contact study department

Any questions about the master's programme in Computer Science (IT) may be directed at study secretary Ms Ulla ?land at ulla@cs.aau.dk.

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