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Master degree


This programme gives you a strong background and the skills to contribute to the solution of challenges regarding resources and energy, nutrition and human health, sustainability and climate issues. You will work within a combination of biology, chemistry and biochemical engineering for industrial production, design of bioactive molecules and metabolic pathway engineering of cells.

Reasons you should choose this programme

You want to work with molecular biotechnology, bioinformatics, bioprocesses, and bioresources
You want to use biotechnology to create new products and contribute to a greener society
You thrive in laboratory work, problem-solving, and collaboration with others


2-year educationEnglish

Master degree


This programme gives you a strong background and the skills to contribute to the solution of challenges regarding resources and energy, nutrition and human health, sustainability and climate issues. You will work within a combination of biology, chemistry and biochemical engineering for industrial production, design of bioactive molecules and metabolic pathway engineering of cells.

Reasons you should choose this programme

You want to work with molecular biotechnology, bioinformatics, bioprocesses, and bioresources
You want to use biotechnology to create new products and contribute to a greener society
You thrive in laboratory work, problem-solving, and collaboration with others


2-year educationEnglish

One of the best engineering courses in the world

If you take an engineering education at Aalborg University, you will attend one of the best engineering education in the world! In 2018, our engineering programs were named the fourth best in the world by 178 experts surveyed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At the same time, AAU was named the best engineering university in Europe for the second time in six months.

Meet a former biotechnology student


Study Biotechnology at AAU

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Study Biotechnology at AAU

Academic content

When studying Biotechnology you will be working across the fields of biology, chemistry and engineering and you have the opportunity to learn more about topics such as environmentally damaging toxins and new, green technologies.

You will be working a lot in the laboratory and the courses and coursework will take up half of your study time while the other half will be spent on project work in groups.

You have the possibility to choose a specialisation in Medical Biotechnology in this study programme. When choosing the specialisation you will e.g. learn about the nature of different diseases as well as work with the development of new techniques and drugs for diagnostics and treatment in the health sector.

Waste water treatment and biorefinery production plants for recovery of valuable nutrients and biofuel production rely on biotechnology with regard to design and control of microbial and enzymatic processes. Inevitably, biotechnology is the key to a green and sustainable development of the World and our future lives. Important theoretical and experimental areas of the Masters programme include microbial and cell cultures, bioactive molecules, experimental molecular biology and gene technology, genomics and bioinformatics.

The programme is a full time study and you will experience that you spend most working hours at the university occupied with course teaching and experimental laboratory project work in groups with fellow students. During your Thesis project you will be involved in ongoing research and be part of a research group with faculty staff at the section of biotechnology.

Semester descriptions

State-of-the-art laboratoryfacilities


360-degree tour of the laboratories at The department of Chemistry and Bioscience, AAU

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360-degree tour of the laboratories at The department of Chemistry and Bioscience, AAU

Admission and requirements

Job and career

With a MSc in Biotechnology, you have many different career paths to choose from, depending on your choice of direction. You can work with for instance:

  • research
  • development
  • management and production in biotechnological and medical industries
  • in the food industry
  • in teaching and education

Successful graduates will also be qualified to apply for further PhD studies.

Examples of graduate destinations

  • Engineer at Arla - working with purification of interesting molecules from milk products
  • Team leader at Novozymes - working with purification of enzymes from fermentation fluids
  • Chemical engineer at Novo Nordisk - working with upscaling of microbial production processes
  • Chemical engineer at Novo Nordisk - working with quality control in relation to insulin production
  • Chemical engineer at Novo Nordisk - working with hygiene and quality control
  • Hospital chemist at Slagelse county hospital in Denmark
  • Chemist at Novacta Biosystems in Hertfordshire, UK


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