Separate module at Master?s level
Power Electronics - From Fundamentals to Advanced topics

Separate module at Master?s level
Power Electronics - From Fundamentals to Advanced topics

The module provides participants with a thorough and in-depth introduction to power electronics in relation to the different circuit types and topologies that can be used in a wide range of applications in relation to renewable energy systems and energy storage.
Part of the module focuses on a "design study", where participants will design a converter prototype based on dimensioning of the components, circuit design, regulation, simulation and testing.
The necessary equipment to build and test the prototypes in the laboratory is provided.
Target Group and Outcome
Admission Requirements and Application
Teaching activities
The module is affiliated with the section for 'power electronic systems, integration and materials' at Aalborg University, Department of Energy, and will be offered by world-leading researchers and teachers in the field.
The module is offered in English
The course is assessed with internal censorship through a test report based on the students' design studio, where a system is to be built and tested.
It is expected that the module will partly be offered via physical teaching, but online or hybrid teaching will also be used to the extent relevant.
Opportunities for single courses
Single courses is an opportunity for you who may not want to complete a full part-time programme.