Computer-based fluid dynamics (CFD) is an effective tool for designing flow-optimal components. CFD is used in numerous areas for modelling both internal and external flows and for the design of components in a wide range of areas, ranging from the design of wind turbine blades to the design of complex piping systems or combustion processes.
This advanced CFD module will focus on a more in-depth understanding of the basic structure of CFD models based on finite-volume methods and the coupling between pressure and velocity in the form of advanced turbulence modelling.
Furthermore, the module is focused on the implementation of custom functions and their use in commercial CFD codes. Both example and hands-on modelling will take place in the course.
Target Group and Outcome
Admission Requirements and Application
Course structure
The module is affiliated with the section for 'thermal engineering' at Aalborg University, Department of Energy, and will be offered by world-leading researchers and teachers in the field. In thermal engineering, the institute is among the absolute leaders in the world and has researchers who are among the most cited in the world.
Teaching is in English
It is expected that the module will partly be offered via physical teaching, but online or hybrid teaching will also be used to the extent relevant.
The course is assessed by internal oral examination based on assignments solved through the course.
Opportunities for single courses
Single courses is an opportunity for you who may not want to complete a full part-time programme.