Before a personal programme plan can be prepared, you must apply for admission to a guidance process at Aalborg University. When you submit your application for admission to the guidance process, you must provide as detailed information as possible about the subjects/modules you intend to include in your flexible part-time Master's programme. That is, you must include the curriculum and regulations for each programme element. You must also include documentation of your qualifying education, relevant work experience and a CV.
The purpose of the guidance process is to clarify whether your wishes for a flexible? Master's programme are feasible, possibly with adjustments, and whether an individual programme plan can be prepared for you.
The programme plan must describe your flexible part-time Master's programme in its entirety, including the final project. The programme plan serves as a curriculum, i.e. it sets objectives, content, exams, timetable, etc. for your course of study and for the agreement between you and the university.
With an assessment, the part-time Master’s modules and/or full-time Master's (kandidat) subjects can be approved to be included as part of the flexible Master's programme.
The programme plan must contain the following:
- Statement of your admission qualifications
- The profile of the flexible Master’s programme,? including the main subject and level of competence
- Composition of the modules included in the plan, including ECTS credits
- Indication of the educational institution where the modules are to be completed
- The order the modules will be completed in and a timetable for their completion
- The programme plan is signed by both Aalborg University and you.
If the plan contains modules to be completed at other institutions, you must contact the other educational institution where the modules are offered and obtain approval confirming that you can be admitted to the modules and that they will be offered at the desired time. This approval must be attached to your application for admission to the guidance process at AAU or sent to us (Office for Continuing Education) during the guidance process.
When you have been admitted to the module at the other institution, you must send a copy of the admission letter to AAU (Office for Continuing Education), and when you have completed your exam at the other institution, you must send a copy of your degree certificate to us.
Aalborg University may, at your request, allow deviations from the programme plan, including in cases where a module has changed significantly or is no longer offered. In this case, a new programme plan must be prepared and approved.
If the programme is not completed within 6 years, the programme plan lapses. The time is counted from the time the programme plan is signed.