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Part-time Master's programme as a flexible course of study

Flexible part-time Master’s programme

A flexible part-time Master's programme is a personally planned Master's programme where you can influence which modules or single subjects your Master should consist of.

Application Form Flexible Masters Programme AAU

Part-time Master's programme as a flexible course of study

Flexible part-time Master’s programme

A flexible part-time Master's programme is a personally planned Master's programme where you can influence which modules or single subjects your Master should consist of.

Application Form Flexible Masters Programme AAU


Flexible Part-time Master's Programme
Aalborg, Copenhagen and Esbjerg
Tuition fees
  • Guidance including programme plan: DKK 5,500
  • Modules: Price varies depending on modules
  • The Master’s Project: DKK 2,000 per ECTS credit
2-6 years
Application deadline
  • 1 February and 1 September for the guidance process

The modules (single subjects) that comprise your flexible part-time Master’s are specified in a personal programme plan that you prepare in conjunction with Aalborg University (AAU). The programme consists of modules from existing part-time Master's programmes or full-time Master's programmes (kandidat), providing the opportunity to follow individual modules, and ends with a final project.

The modules that make up the flexible Master's programme can either be completed at Aalborg University, if we offer modules that fit your academic profile for the Master's programme, or they can be completed at other educational institutions that offer higher education for adults at the same level as the flexible course of study and within your chosen main area. However, the final project must be completed at Aalborg University if the programme plan was prepared here.


Admission Requirements


Application Deadlines