Available study places

We have now closed this years round of applications. You can apply from 1 Ferbruary 2025. Thank you.
EU/EEA citizens and non-EU/EEA citizens who are exempted from tuition payment. You must always fulfil?the?entry requirements.
Please note! It is not possible to apply for an available student place on the same programme you have been unenrolled by the university from.?
If you have completed a master’s degree, you can only apply from August 6 and onward?
You can apply for an available study place if you have the following documentation.
- Documents that prove you meet the entry requirements for the programme you are applying for. Read more about necessary enclosures below.
- If you have previously attended higher education you are required to send us a list of the subjects you have passed and all ECTS (or similar) acquired. The documentation should be contained in a single PDF and should include grade sheets, exams and curriculum.
NOTE! Please be aware that any offer of enrolment confirmed in the first round will be cancelled by any offer of enrolment in the second round - regardless of you confirm or not.
Applying for more than one programme
It is possible to apply for a maximum of three programmes.
We need your correct email address
Please make sure that you provide us with your accurate email address. Once we have received your application, we will communicate with you by e-mail and through our self-service system UniStart. This is also how you will know if we accept or reject your application, or if we request further documentation from you. It is your responsibility to provide us with your accurate email address and to keep yourself informed via UniStart.
Necessary enclosures - bundled into a single PDF
- Your diploma (a copy) in the original language and a copy translated into English
- Grade sheets from the last 3 years of upper secondary school
- A recognized language test (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, CAE)?if?English CEFR level (B2 or C1) is not stated on your upper secondary diploma
- Verification form?filled out by your school.?Applicants from Scandinavia are not required to enclose a verification Form.
- Curricula
July 26 – August 5
Until August 5, we consider all applications for available student places as simultaneously received. If the number of qualified applications exceeds the number of available student places by August 5, the student places are offered to applicants with the highest grade point average (GPA). The Admissions Office expects to send out application replies during weeks 32 and 33.?
August 6 – August 14
If there are?additional?student?places available during this time, you can still apply for?them. They will be offered to qualified applicants on a "first come – first served" basis.?
If you have completed a master’s degree, you can only apply from August 6 and onward.
After August 14
After August 14, Aalborg University will inform about?potential available student?places on this page.
How to apply
You apply by following the instructions in the link below