Enter into a technology transfer agreement
A technology transfer agreement with Aalborg University will allow you and your company to take advantage of the latest software, inventions and technology from AAU within your field.

Benefits of a technology transfer agreement with AAU
One of the main advantages of entering into a technology transfer agreement with Aalborg University is that you'll get a head start when it comes to the development of your own cutting edge technology, so the path to market will be shorter for future products and solutions.
At the same time, you will often have the opportunity to combine the technology transfer agreement with closer continuing cooperation with AAU researchers to find the most efficient way to ensure the transfer of technology and knowledge and to further develop the technology to match your specific needs.
Licensing, sale or spinout
The point of departure for a technology transfer agreement between Aalborg University and your company will always be the goal of creating a win-win situation for both parties. This agreement may involve:
- A license agreement which gives you the right to utilise the technology within your field, mostly on non-exclusive terms, but often with the option to negotiate exclusivity.
- A sales agreement, where the intellectual property rights are transferred to your business.
- Spinout, where the technology is transferred or licensed to a new company that is to commercialise it.
Technology transfer is for everyone
Every year, Aalborg University enters into 20-40 new technology transfer agreements with both large and small companies from all over the world, which shows that technology transfer is for all businesses with a need for new technology.
Trust and openness in knowledge sharing
The process leading to a technology transfer agreement involves trust and openness when it comes to knowledge sharing. Therefore technology tends to be transferred to companies that are good at making their needs visible.
If you and your company have specific technology needs, we would like to have a confidential conversation with you to match your needs with existing technologies and inventions in the AAU portfolio. Subsequently, we will discuss a technology transfer agreement.