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It is estimated that by 2030, there will be a shortage of 13,000 people with a technical education in the Danish job market. International students, who would otherwise use their education outside Denmark's borders, are a significant part of meeting future demands - and one way of welcoming the students to the Danish job market is by matching them with a mentor. SEEM (Supporting Engineer's Employability through Mentoring) offers the opportunity for you to assist an international student in their journey towards the Danish job market by becoming a mentor.


It is estimated that by 2030, there will be a shortage of 13,000 people with a technical education in the Danish job market. International students, who would otherwise use their education outside Denmark's borders, are a significant part of meeting future demands - and one way of welcoming the students to the Danish job market is by matching them with a mentor. SEEM (Supporting Engineer's Employability through Mentoring) offers the opportunity for you to assist an international student in their journey towards the Danish job market by becoming a mentor.

The student and you learn from each other; the increasing demand for labor with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skills is addressed, and your company gains access to talents and a close connection to AAU's programs at the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience and the Department of Energy.

The mentorship program has been initiated to assist international students in their employability development and connect to the Danish labor market. Employability, in short, is an individual's ability to effectively apply themselves and their expertise in a way that adds value, for example, to a company. Essential elements in building employability include cultural and competency understanding, knowledge of the Danish job market and networking – in addition to a high level of academic expertise, of course. All of these are aspects where a mentor-mentee relationship can be crucial for the students' choices.

The role of a mentor

As a mentor for an international student, you will be matched with a student studying in an area that your company also operates in. In this way, your relationship and meetings can encompass both professional, cultural, and career-related subjects, as well as, of course, anything else you wish to discuss. We cannot guarantee a 100% between you and your mentee's woork field, though.

It is the mentee's responsibility to take the initiative to schedule meetings and to plan the topics you will discuss.

Examples of topics for your discussions:

  • Career expectations, concerns, and aspirations
  • Internship opportunities
  • The mentor's workplace and career path
  • LinkedIn advice
  • Job search tips
  • Job interviews
  • Professional and personal skills
  • "Translating" academic skills to the "job market language"
  • Danish work culture
  • Inspiration for networking
  • Insights into how to best get "a foot in the door"
  • Whatever you both find relevant in your relationship


The practicalities

Both you and your future mentee are required to complete a questionnaire as the first step in the matching process.

AAU Career's career counselors will handle the matching based on your responses. You may not necessarily be matched based on a common educational background, but rather on shared goals or professional interests.

Throughout the program, it is expected that you will meet at least 4 times.

The mentorship is exspected to start in November and run until May.

You will be offered tools and events that can help facilitate the best possible collaboration between you.

It is the mentee's responsibility to prepare the topics and content for your discussions and meetings.

We encourage the mentee to visit the company where you work during the course of your collaboration.


Hear DEIF's experience with the SEEM-program

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Hear DEIF's experience with the SEEM-program

Any questions?


Julie Bry? Bendix
