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Medi Bayat - Mechanical designer and analyser at Liftra

During my PhD, we always had many technical discussions and I have spent a lot of time at my desk solving a certain problem. Sometimes, I worked from early morning until after working hours because it was enjoyable.


Medi Bayat - Mechanical designer and analyser at Liftra

During my PhD, we always had many technical discussions and I have spent a lot of time at my desk solving a certain problem. Sometimes, I worked from early morning until after working hours because it was enjoyable.

About Medi Bayat

  • Nationality: Iran
  • Current employment: Liftra
  • MA programme: Mechanical design (Mekanisk ingeni?r), Sharif University of Technology
  • Faculty at AAU: Engineeing
  • Campus: Aalborg
  • Year of graduation: 2015
  • Title of PhD dissertation: Stiffness and damping related to steady state soil-structure interaction of monopiles

The article is more than 30 days old and reflects the alumni?s career at the time. The alumni may have changed career paths since the article was written

What is your typical workday like?

Designer and developer.

What has your career path looked like up until now?

I am working as mechanical designer and analyzer.

How close is your current career to the ideas and dreams you had as af PhD fellow at AAU?

My present work is very close to my educational background. I am designing and analyzing different structures and components.

How have you made use of your PhD education, and which of your PhD competences have been most important to you?

In my PhD I have focused on FEM and improvement of design step in offshore wind turbine foundations. At the presence I am focusing on design and analyzing.

What do you remember most from your PhD studies?

During my PhD, we always had many technical discussions and I have?spent a lot of time at my desk solving a certain problem. Sometimes, I worked from early morning until after working hours because it was enjoyable. We had fun by playing Foosball, table tennis and running with other colleges. The Christmas party was really nice. During my PhD I went to Germany and Japan, it was a very memorable time.

What is your best memory from AAU?

When I could get good results and thereby be able to improve the design step for offshore structures and foundation, it is my best memory that I can see my academic?results being used in the industry.

Is there a teacher/colleague from AAU you remeber especially, and why?

Prof. S?ren R. K. Nielsen, my Co-supervisor. He is a?kind, understanding and a very knowledgeable person. We had always technical discussion meetings. Prof. Lars V. Andersen who is a very talented person and we have had several meetings and with his help I performed frequency and time domain analysis for cyclic load. Associate Prof. Johan Clausen who is perfect in Finite element method and he is very approachable person. Emil Smed S?rensen he was my college and he is an expert in programming and during my last time as a PhD student we had a discussion almost every day. I learned from them how to be innovative, patient and optimistic.

What made the strongest impression on you during your PhD defense?

My PhD results came directly to the industry and has improved the design step.

Why did you decide to do a PhD, and would you have chosen differently if you were to do it today?

The topic of the PhD was interesting for me. It was about calculating Spring-dash pod and mass which is a topic between mechanical engineering and civil engineering. The person should have good mechanical background and professional in FEM to do this project.? The topic was new and it is a combination of Geo mechanics and numerical analysis.

What advise would you give to current PhD fellows at AAU that want a career outside academia?

Get involved in every single activity during your PhD. Build a huge network and always socialize without thinking into the benefits. Work on yourself and be confident. Act as you are a brand yourself on the available social networks. Be proactive and always take the initiative

What are your dreams for the future?

I would like to design and analyze new industrial components and structures.