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Vision for research

AAU is internationally acclaimed for its excellent problem and solution oriented research, which is creating outstanding results.

Our? research is holistic; it is conducted in collaboration with business and organisational partners in our local communities, and new? insights and positions of strength are reached through the goal-oriented development of our research potentials.

Research initiatives


AAU will increase the impact of its research in the nationaland international arenas. This will be done by increasing the volume ofcontributions to recognised and wellreputed publications and by acquiring a larger number of prestigious grants.


In order to support our research and our efforts to acquirean increasing number of prestigious grants, a targeted research support? initiative will be launched. This initiative will involve a sharper focus on the potentials, development and capacity of research? environments; and it will ensure that researchers receive support from administrative staff throughout the application process and? project period. The research support initiative will be supplemented by interest promotion in the fora in which framework conditions and calls are formulated.


AAU will strengthen its endeavours to identify and develop budding research talents through a general talent development initiative.? Talent development initiatives will be integrated in an on-going effort to identify emerging research environments.


AAU will enhance its holistic research and develop new positions of strength within areas with an untapped potential of collaboration? between our mono-disciplinary research environments. This is done by launching three to five interdisciplinary research projects with? participants from research environments from across the University.