Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Vision for Problem Based Learning
AAU is internationally recognised for our problem and project based learning and the documented results of this learning method.
All our students and staff act out our basic principles of Problem and Project Based Learning, which is a general feature in all programmes at the University. IT is an integral part of problem and project based learning.
Problem Based Learning initiatives
We will identify existing research results of our PBL practice. Moreover, a number of research and educational development projects will be launched; the aim of these will be to further explore and challenge AAU’s PBL practice and to create development of this practice. The aim is to document the knowledge and effect of PBL through existing and new knowledge. A? set theme will be the use of IT in PBL and the motivation and learning experience of students.
As part of AAU’s quality assurance of study programmes, AAU’s PBL principles are being continuously reassessed. The aim is to further develop our problem based learning model so as to ensure that the model will continue to accommodate the learning and competence-related needs of students and society. A first step will be to integrate IT directly in the model.
The schools will develop their programmes on the basis of the PBL principles updated in 2015.
The integration of PBL as an explicit learning objective in the curricula and regulations of all study programmes will be ensured.
Systematic introduction to PBL to students in all study programmes will be ensured.
New staff will receive systematic introduction to PBL, and the heads of departments will prepare a plan for and ensure the? on-going upgrading of the PBL and IT competences of teaching staff.