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HomeAbout AAUStrategyStrategy 2016-21

Competence, organisation and management

Vision for competence, organisation and management

AAU is a learning, competent and efficient organisation which is capable of creating the best results in positive collaborations across scientific and administrative functions.

We wish to be recognised as an attractive university that promotes development and learning. We aim to provide the best possible conditions for all staff as regards talent development, career development and competence development — supported by motivation, and with an eye for potentials.

We wish to continue to attract staff who contribute to and are motivated by AAU’s characteristic features. Our organisation must therefore ensure embedded and efficient work processes characterised by clear and respected roles and responsibility.? Everyone knows how success is defined within their own roles.

The above objectives require competent, visible and inclusive management. Our strategy requires transparency in management? roles and responsibility; that the management is able to prioritise and implement decisions in an efficient manner and in? cooperation with committed staff.

Competence, organisation and management initiatives


A competence strategy will be developed within research, education, knowledge collaboration and administration that focuses on talent development, competence development and career development. The aim is to ensure the necessary capacity-building.


Through active leadership and involvement of employees, AAU’s management must create a framework for balanced planning of work processes within research, education, study programme development, knowledge collaboration and administration.


A management development plan for AAU will be prepared. The aim is to ensure competent management of the University.