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AAU is an international top class university


AAU is an international top class university

Times Higher Education Impact Ranking?measures how universities are performing against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Results 2024

Below you can see the results for Aalborg University in 2024.

SDG 2024 rank
Overall THE Impact rank 4
SDG1: No Poverty 44
SDG2: Zero Hunger 61
SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing 201-300
SDG4: Quality Education 1
SDG5: Gender Equality 101-200
SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation 42
SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy 42
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 69
SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 91
SDG10: Reduced Inequalities 4
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 15
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production 50
SDG13: Climate Action 8
SDG14: Life below Water 3
SDG15: Life on Land 50
SDG16:?Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 63
SDG17: Partnership for the Goals 16


Contributors to THE Impact Rankings 2024

During 2023, Aalborg University has collected data for the 2024 ranking. The data collection is identified through comprehensive consultation with key stakeholders at the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering and Science, the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, AAU Innovation, and AAU Shared Services.

2024 project management

  • S?ren Lind Christiansen, Board of directors
  • Birte Hornemann, Quality and Ranking

2024 data collection working group

  • Clara Borgstad, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Pia Rosenquist Kruse, The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
  • Anne Lykke, The Faculty of Engineering and Science
  • Lone Sarauw, The Faculty of Medicine
  • Mette Lyng Foss, Finance and Accounting
  • Nils Peter Terp Uhre, Study Service
  • Michael Steensen Kristensen, Human Resource
  • Tina Strandvig, Human Resource
  • Rasmus Simonsen, Human Resource
  • Camilla Vinther S?rensen, Human Resource
  • Karin Rosen Christensen, AAU Innovation
  • Marie Louise Bosmann Lauritzen, Rector's Office
  • Alex R?ge Hermansen, Campus Service
  • Maria Trabjerg, , Campus Service
  • Heidi Simone Kristensen, Department of Planning and Sustainability
  • Sofie Nygaard R?nnov Olesen, Department of Planning and Sustainability
  • Troels Gubi, Quality and Ranking

Mission-oriented university

These times are characterised by complex and critical challenges that do not recognise regional, national and global divides. Producing and implementing knowledge for the world requires active collaboration, problem-based learning and partnerships.

For AAU, being a mission-oriented university means that we are guided by a meaningful purpose that goes beyond our own organisation and contributes to the sustainable development of the world.

Through partnerships with the outside world, we strive to contribute to missions where we have strong research insight. We strive to play an active role in finding solutions to current – and future – global challenges and make a difference to the world around us.
