Climate targets and climate accounts

Climate targets and climate accounts

AAU's climate targets
- AAU is climate neutral in scope 1 and 2 by 2030 at the latest
- AAU has reduced greenhouse gas emissions in scope 3 by 70% by 2030 (per full-time equivalent compared to the index year 1990)
- AAU is climate neutral by 2045 at the latest
Climate target achievement:
As a knowledge institution, AAU has a special role in society and as a university will contribute to Denmark achieving the national goals in an appropriate and meaningful way.
The climate targets will be achieved through close cooperation with local utility companies, suppliers of goods and services, and business partners.
In order to qualify the climate efforts and ensure ongoing follow-up, AAU is preparing a climate account of greenhouse gas emissions from the university's overall activities.
Climate account
Since 2018, Aalborg University (AAU) has systematically calculated its climate footprint in accordance with the GHG Protocol. The climate accounts for 2023 are now available and provide a detailed insight into the university's total greenhouse gas emissions. These accounts are not only an assessment of the environmental impact, but also an important tool in the work of setting and achieving ambitious climate goals.
The climate accounts show the university's greenhouse gas emissions in total, per user, on the three scopes in the GHG Protocol (scopes 1, 2, and 3) as well as on six focus areas that are central to the work towards more sustainable operations. AAU is dedicated to reducing the climate footprint and works purposefully to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. The climate accounts form the basis for these efforts and help identify areas where sustainability practices can be improved. All interested parties are invited to dive into the climate accounts and follow the journey towards a more sustainable future.