AAU Shared Services and AAU Innovation

AAU Shared Services and AAU Innovation

AAU Shared Services
The AAU Administration, AAU Shared Services, services the university management, staff, students and partners as part of the day-to-day management of the university. AAU Shared Services is headed by the University Director.?
Departments at AAU Shared Services
- Aalborg University Library
- AAU Research Services
- AAU IT Services
- AAU Communication (in Danish)
- Campus Service?
- Finance and Accounts Department
- Human Resources
- Rector's Office (in Danish)
- Study Service
- CPH Campus (in Danish)
- Esbjerg Campus (in Danish)
AAU Innovation
AAU Innovation supports Aalborg University's core activities: research, education and knowledge collaboration. The goal of AAU Innovation is to help researchers and students at Aalborg University to utilize their knowledge for the benefit of society, nationally and globally. Innovation Director for AAU Innovation is Mads Bang.
Further information
If you have general questions about Aalborg University's organisation, please contact:
Rector's Office